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I have been an Aurora Hunter for many many years. I have been fortunate to see Aurora Borealis several times and Aurora Australis many times, but the event on Saturday 11 May 2024 was something else! One out of the box.
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The Aurora Borealis is just awesome to witness. You can watch it twisting and turning, dancing across the sky. You see it in your dreams for a long time afterwards. And it is something that is on a lot of peoples bucket lists!!
But it is also important to know, the colours you see all across the internet are not what you see with your eyes. The colours are more muted. It is in camera the real magic happens.
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I am very excited to announce "A Photographers Guide to Lake Tyrrell".

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Autumn Delight
I recently had a weekend off. So we decided to go to Daylesford for the weekend in early April.
On the Saturday we went out to Lavandula Swiss Italian Lavender Farm. As we pulled in over the bridge I saw an awesome little bridge and a beautiful stone building. It looked pretty and I took a couple of snaps, but it didn't prepare me for what we found once we went in through the entry. Entry is $5 per adult and $1 per child. But it is a small price for what you are about to see...
WOW!!! A photographers paradise!!
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In the sticks at the Stick Shed
To be honest, I hadn’t intended to visit Murtoa. I was on my way to Mildura and got caught up at the Road works just north of Horsham. I was waiting, waiting, waiting and when we were stopped again I knew it was going to be another 15 minute wait. I was right beside the intersection… so I turned right. Murtoa was only 20kms off the highway and I thought the detour would be better than waiting.
When I got to Murtoa, I immediately saw the beautiful Rabl Park. There are two gorgeous bridges there over the water. And the water was so still. I had to stop and check them out.
So, a quick bit about Murtoa. It is a small country town with a population of 1000 people. It almost seems to be a bit forgotten. You will find plenty of buildings representing the bygone era. Very photogenic if you like old architecture. But there was one building that I wanted to visit. The Stick Shed.
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I am not an expert astronomer, but this is what I have gleaned from the reports.
This comet has been gracing the northern hemisphere skies the last few weeks and they have had an amazing show. Now it is our turn, but the comet will not be as bright as it is starting to head away from us. But there is still a chance.
As it only makes an appearance here every 6800 years, I am going to take every opportunity I can to photograph it.

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What an honour! I am very excited to announce my photo was awarded NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day (APOD)!

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I am a bit lucky that I live rural. Last week I had a bit of a treat so I thought I would share it with you.
A fellow photographer shared with me a site where she had found some Ghost Fungi (Omphalotis Nidiformis).
These were at Wannon Falls Reserve. I had walked right past them the day before and didn't even see them!!
I found them by scouting for them during the day and then headed back at night.
The night was perfectly clear and no-one was there. The ghost fungus was shining brightly!! You dont see the bright green that the camera shows up but you see a dull green. I couldn't believe how bright it was glowing!!
I turned off all the torches as I hardly needed them. Real magic.
So do you want to know how I shot them?

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When I first set up the Photography Tutorials with Gill Fry Facebook Group, I put up a poll asking the group members what they would like to learn. The resounding answer came back – COMPOSITION.
Composition cannot be learnt in one tutorial so I am going to chop up this topic into bite size pieces and make a series of Youtube videos throughout the year.
This video is about my favourite composition technique. Everyone likes a hero – right? Well let's introduce a hero into your photography. Maybe not a super hero of the super human kind – but a hero none the less.
So what do I mean about a hero????

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Lake Tyrrell, in north west Victoria, is an awesome place. It has so much to offer the photographer no matter what the conditions.
Last week was my third visit to Lake Tyrrell and each time it has been a surprise.
On this last visit it was blowing a gale and freezing cold. And by freezing cold…. I mean… freezing cold! At night it was 4 degrees but with the wind chill factor it ‘felt like’ 1 degree. So, it is always important to be prepared.